Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried on Florida Unemployment Rising in July

 Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried on Florida Unemployment Rising in July 

Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its July unemployment report, exposing that unemployment in Florida rose to 11.3% in July. In response, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump’s incompetent response to the coronavirus crisis has thrown millions of Floridians into economic insecurity -- and his continued effort to downplay and distract from the pandemic clearly continues to cost Floridians their lives and livelihoods," said Fried. "Meanwhile, because Trump refused to come to the table two months ago when House democrats passed additional coronavirus relief, Floridians lost their federal unemployment assistance and are once again facing eviction.  

“Our unemployment crisis will persist until we have a leader capable of getting the job done and executing a national strategy to control the coronavirus. We need Joe Biden in the White House.”

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