Koch Bros. Want To Take Over The Internet In Florida

Care about the internet? Click here to join CREDO and Daily Kos in telling the FCC to protect our access to fast and affordable Internet service
ALEC, a right-wing think tank that crafts state legislation, is pressuring state legislatures around the country to ban cities from offering broadband Internet access. Nearly 20 states already have laws on the books stopping cities from providing fast, publicly-owned Internet access – and other states could soon follow suit.

President Obama just urged the FCC to make it illegal for states to block cities from providing affordable and fast Internet access–and the FCC is expected to make a decision very soon.

Many perennial funders and members of ALEC, including AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner, stand to gain financially from these state laws because they eliminate the possibility of competition from city-run broadband services. 

The FCC is expected to make a decision on President Obama’s proposal to protect municipal broadband on February 26. Before then, let’s make sure Chairman Wheeler and the other commissioners know that Americans want more access to fast and affordable Internet service, not less.

Sign the petition from CREDO and Daily Kos to the FCC: Protect our access to fast and affordable Internet service.

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